Rutatlántica popular routes and schedules
Book cheap Rutatlántica bus tickets online, find schedules, prices, bus stations locations, services, promotions and deals.
Popular routes | First and last departures | Average duration | Minimum price | |
San Miguel de Tucumán → Termas de Río Hondo | First and last departures2:40pm — 2:40pm | Average duration1h 10m | Minimum price$10 | |
Termas de Río Hondo → San Miguel de Tucumán | First and last departures10:50am — 10:50am | Average duration1h 30m | Minimum price$10 | |
Santiago del Estero → San Miguel de Tucumán | First and last departures9:40am — 9:40am | Average duration2h 40m | Minimum price$18 | |
San Miguel de Tucumán → Santiago del Estero | First and last departures2:40pm — 2:40pm | Average duration2h 20m | Minimum price$16 | |
Corrientes → Presidencia Roque Saenz Pena | First and last departures8:10am — 8:45am | Average duration3h 5m | Minimum price$14 |

Contact Rutatlántica
Amenities on Rutatlántica buses
- Air conditioning
- Toilet
- Standard seat
- XL Seat
- Lie-flat Seat or Bed
- Wifi
- Entertainment (No Wifi)
- Snack
- Drink
- Hot Meal
Rutatlántica's Coverage in Numbers
- Daily Departures87
- Cities97
- Countries1
- Routes1204
Rutatlántica Bus classes
- 5 Estrellas
- Cama
- Cama Ejec Indiv LCD/Cena/Desayuno
- Cama Ejec. LCD/Cena/Desayuno
- Cama Ejecutivo
- Cama Ejecutivo con Cena Fria
- Cama con Servicio
- Cama sin Auxiliar
- Convencional
- Ejuctivo sin Auxiliar
- Leito
- Promo Cama
- Promo Semi Cama con Servicio
- Promo Suite
- Semi Cama
- Semi Cama
- Semi Cama Cena/Desayuno
- Semi Cama Expreso
- Semi Cama Promo Cena/Desayuno
- Semi Cama Promocionada
- Semi Cama Superior
- Semi Cama con Cena Fria
- Semi Cama con Servicio
- Semica Directo
- Semicama
- Servicio Cama Ejecutivo
- Servicio Suite
- Suite
- Suite VIP
Wondering how much are the cheapest Rutatlántica bus ticket? Find out with Busbud's extensive list of Rutatlántica fares.
View different Rutatlántica bus schedules and Rutatlántica ticket prices to find a bus based on your traveling needs.
Busbud shows you which amenities are included with your Rutatlántica bus for each individual departure.
With our coverage of all available Rutatlántica bus lines, we make sure you are able to get to where you need to be.
Take advantage of available Rutatlántica bus coupons in order to get discounted Rutatlántica fares.
With information like Rutatlántica phone number or the closest Rutatlántica bus station, Busbud makes sure you get easy access to all the important information.
Partnering up with Rutatlántica allows Busbud to ensure high quality Rutatlántica bus services to travelers from all corners of the world.
Rutatlántica User Reviews
Rutatlántica receives positive feedback for its comfortable seats and clean bathrooms, contributing to a pleasant travel experience. However, some users noted that announcements about arrival at destinations were lacking, which could be challenging for those unfamiliar with the area. Additionally, there was mention of it being too cold on the upper deck during trips.
Asientos confortables y el viaje placentero, llego en tiempo y forma.
Florencia R.
My seat was broken in the reclined position. There was no paper of any sort in the bathroom. Very bad considering the coronavirus is active here.
Kerry G.
10 hours to mar del plata . increíble.
Carlos C.
Muy Buen servicio,muy limpio,buena atencion al publico
María Romina B.
No llegamos a la hora indicada. Se tarde 2 horas más
Ema Silvina R.
Rutatlántica FAQ
Yes, there is WiFi on Rutatlántica! We recommend downloading your movies or favorite shows before your bus trip, as the WiFi can lose its connection in rural areas. No worries, you'll still be able to check your emails and social media during your trip.
No, there aren't any power outlets or USB plugs on Rutatlántica. We recommend bringing a battery pack to make sure you won't run out of battery, or bring a good book and stay entertained throughout your bus ride!
Yes, there is a toilet on all Rutatlántica buses. The toilet is generally located at the back of the bus or near the middle door. Most bus toilets do not have running water, so we recommend bringing hand sanitizer with you.
Yes, Rutatlántica offers food and drinks on board. When booking on Busbud, you will be able to see if a full meal or only snacks are offered for your desired departure.
No, no need to print your Rutatlántica ticket! Simply show your e-ticket on your smartphone along with a valid photo ID to board the bus. Your e-ticket will be emailed to you when you book on Busbud.
Only Certified Service animals are allowed on Rutatlántica buses. Pets are not allowed on the bus or in the hold of the bus.
When traveling with Rutatlántica, you will be able to enjoy Air conditioning, Standard seat, , , Lie-flat Seat or Bed, Hot Meal, , , Toilet, , Wifi, XL Seat. Rutatlántica will offer you a reliable, safe, and comfortable bus trip!
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The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets
Busbud is a bus and train search tool - we include Rutatlántica routes, schedules and prices in our searches along with many other train and bus companies. You can compare prices, amenities and times by searching for a route. If you find a suitable trip, you can go ahead and get your Rutatlántica ticket from us. Note that train tickets sell out, Rutatlántica and other operators generally charge a lot more for last-minute tickets or for tickets bought in person.
Popular Routes, Destinations and Stations
Top Bus Lines
Curious about Rutatlántica's busiest routes? Here's where most of our passengers are heading!
- Santiago del Estero to San Miguel de Tucumán$20
- Liniers to Mar del Plata$66
- Moreno to Mar del Plata$58
- San Miguel de Tucumán to Santiago del Estero$21
- Zarate to Mar del Plata$49
- Campana to Mar del Plata$59
- Pinamar to El Talar de Pacheco$56
- Mar del Plata to El Talar de Pacheco$65
- San Justo to Santa Teresita$55
- Luis Guillon to Mar del Plata$66
- Pilar to Mar del Plata$55
- Florencio Varela to Mar del Plata$66
- Mar del Plata to Campana$58
- Mar del Plata to Liniers$66
- San Miguel to Mar del Plata$60
- San Justo to Villa Gesell$60
- Mar del Plata to Pilar$67
- Alejandro Korn to Mar del Plata$50
- Morón to Mar del Plata$66
- Pinamar to San Isidro$56
Top Destinations
From big cities to hidden gems, these are the places Rutatlántica can take you on your next adventure!
- Buses to Mar del Plata
- Buses to Liniers
- Buses to Corrientes
- Buses to Florencio Varela
- Buses to Resistencia
- Buses to Santa Teresita
- Buses to El Talar de Pacheco
- Buses to Pinamar
- Buses to San Miguel de Tucumán
- Buses to San Justo
- Buses to Mar del Tuyú
- Buses to Moreno
- Buses to Mar De Ajo
- Buses to Merlo
- Buses to Gualeguaychú
- Buses to Pilar
- Buses to Las Toninas
- Buses to Villa Gesell
- Buses to San Miguel
- Buses to Santiago del Estero
Top Stations and Locations
Need to know where to catch Rutatlántica? We've got a list of our main stops to help plan your trip.
- Terminal de Omnibus 9 de Julio
- Av. Rivadavia
- Av. Tomas Espora
- Av. San Bernardo
- Terminal Escobar
- Terminal Mar del Plata
- Tucuman Terminal
- El Talar Terminal Regreso
- Terminal de Ómnibus de Corrientes
- Parador El Tagüe
- Terminal de Ómnibus de Resistencia
- Moreno
- Parador Dover
- Terminal de Ómnibus de Santiago del Estero
- Terminal de Ómnibus de Campana
- Terminal de Omnibus 9 de Julio
Other local bus companies
- All Partners
- Rutatlántica