Contact Baltour
Busbud helps you easily search and browse through different Baltour fares to find the cheapest Baltour bus tickets.
View different Baltour bus schedules and Baltour ticket prices to find a bus based on your traveling needs.
Find out which amenities will be accessible on a Baltour bus for each individual departure when you book your Baltour tickets, such as WiFi, A/C, power outlets and more.
With our coverage of all available Baltour bus lines, we make sure you are able to get to where you need to be.
Be sure to keep an eye out for a coupon code to benefit from Baltour discounts and cheap bus tickets.
With information like Baltour phone number or the closest Baltour bus station, Busbud makes sure you get easy access to all the important information.
Partnering up with Baltour allows Busbud to ensure high-quality Baltour bus services to travellers from all corners of the world.
Baltour User Reviews
They were competent and clear with us, even though we really only speak english. They were not impatient our short with us, as is frequent around Rome. I especially appreciated the way they got up and clearly stated the route and stops, so that there could be no confusion about being on the right bus. They were exactly on time and watched out for us and our luggage too.
Daniel L.
The bus was late for 1.5 hours without any info from any side. Thus I waited for 2 hours at the bus stop since by email I was asked to come 30 minutes early. There were other buses of baltour, coming and leaving the station. One of them even told me that I’ve already missed my bus. I kept on asking all baltour buses if my bus will be coming. I called baltour’s tel number, no one was did answer. So I kept on waiting. At the end the bus came. I was in trouble since my ticket was a connecting journey. Thanks to driver he arranged the other bus to wait us.
Kamran M.
They won’t let us use the washroom and it was a double decker bus. I was in pain the entire ride
Amy N.
The service is in general good with some "buts": - From Barcelona to Madrid no plugs, no Wi-Fi, no front-side pocket, no toilet. - From Genoa to Barcelona no Wi-Fi working. - From Rome to Genoa people was complaining that they didn't stop. Crazy and doubtfully legal.
Carlos N.
Our driver should not have a license. She was on her phone watching ovideos,talking to people ,reaching under her seat for glasses,almost hit the guardrail on the freeway 4 different times. My wife let out a yell on time. She started to leave without closing the luggage compartment and had to stop and close it.
David C.
There was no light in the toilets, nor way to wash hands. The driver forced us off at a stop that was not the stop on my ticket. We had to take a cab to our final destination. He was on his phone most of the drive and seemed in a hurry to finish the trip.
Lisa S.
Why choose Busbud?
The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets
Busbud is a bus and train search tool – we include Baltour routes, schedules and prices in our searches along with many other train and bus companies. You can compare prices, amenities and times by searching for a route. If you find a suitable trip, you can go ahead and get your Baltour ticket from us. Note that train tickets sell out, Baltour and other operators generally charge a lot more for last-minute tickets or for tickets bought in person.
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