RODONORTE popular routes and schedules
Book cheap RODONORTE coach tickets online, find timetables, prices, coach station locations, services, promotions and deals.
Popular routes | First and last departures | Average duration | Minimum price | |
Lisbon → Porto | First and last departures19:00 — 19:00 | Average duration3h 30m | Minimum price£8 | |
Porto → Lisbon | First and last departures08:30 — 19:00 | Average duration3h 27m | Minimum price£5 | |
Mirandela → Porto | First and last departures07:00 — 22:15 | Average duration2h 6m | Minimum price£5 | |
Porto → Mirandela | First and last departures21:15 — 23:00 | Average duration2h 10m | Minimum price£5 | |
Fátima → Lisbon | First and last departures10:30 — 23:15 | Average duration1h 26m | Minimum price£5 |

RODONORTE’s Coverage in Numbers
- Daily Departures1533
- Cities200
- Countries1
- Routes1496
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All RODONORTE bus lines are available on Busbud. Can't seem to find the RODONORTE route you're looking for? Please get in touch – we have a dedicated team in charge of the quality of RODONORTE mapping on Busbud.
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With information like RODONORTE phone number or the closest RODONORTE bus station, Busbud makes sure you get easy access to all the important information.
Busbud is proud to partner with RODONORTE and to offer RODONORTE services to travellers all over the world.
RODONORTE User Reviews
Rodonorte receives praise for its friendly drivers and clean, comfortable buses. Many customers had a smooth travel experience overall. However, there were occasional issues such as non-reclining seats on some trips and delays in departure times from specific locations like Guimarães to Braga.
Impressed with the efficiency of departing and arriving on schedule. Would have liked announcement to be I English as well as Portuguese in case of problems. But highly satisfied
Jean M.
For starters it was difficult to find the bus. Rodonorte doesn't appear on the departure list. It was Rede express. Then I was pointed to the wrong departure quay where a 11.30 h (my booking) would depart to Braga. Wrong: another quay where a 11.40h bus to Braga departs.
Marion B.
Drivers were very nice and the buses were clean and comfortable
Rose M.
Tinha um autocarro às 5 e não apareceu, tentei entrar em contacto com a linha de apoio e não atendiam, o autocarro apareceu 1 hora depois e o condutor disse que tinham mudado porque não tinham passageiros suficientes. Em momento algum tinham avisado sobre a mudança de horário, acabei por perder o compromisso que tinha.
Luis L.
Everything went very well for us.
Eileen Ruth M.
A minha experiência não é nova, viajo há muitos anos com a Rodonorte.
Maria De Lourdes C.
Why choose Busbud?
The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets
Busbud is a bus and train search tool – we include RODONORTE routes, schedules and prices in our searches along with many other train and bus companies. You can compare prices, amenities and times by searching for a route. If you find a suitable trip, you can go ahead and get your RODONORTE ticket from us. Note that train tickets sell out, RODONORTE and other operators generally charge a lot more for last-minute tickets or for tickets bought in person.
Popular Routes, Destinations and Stations
Top Bus Lines
Curious about the busiest routes of RODONORTE? Here's where most of our passengers are heading!
- Porto to Lisbon£9
- Fátima to Lisbon£9
- Porto to Aveiro£7
- Porto to Fátima£11
- Porto to Braga£6
- Braga to Porto£6
- Guimaraes to Porto£6
- Porto to Coimbra£7
- Porto to Faro£30
- Coimbra to Lisbon£9
- Porto to Viana do Castelo£7
- Viseu to Lisbon£13
- Coimbra to Porto£7
- Porto to Viseu£7
- Porto to Portimão£33
- Porto to Mirandela£7
- Guimaraes to Braga£7
- Porto to Bragança£7
- Vila Real to Porto£7
- Porto to Vila Real£7
Top Destinations
From big cities to hidden gems, these are the places RODONORTE can take you on your next adventure!
- Buses to Porto
- Buses to Vila Real
- Buses to Lisbon
- Buses to Coimbra
- Buses to Viseu
- Buses to Bragança
- Buses to Mirandela
- Buses to Fátima
- Buses to Amarante
- Buses to Guimaraes
- Buses to Braga
- Buses to Penafiel
- Buses to Lamego
- Buses to Macedo de Cavaleiros
- Buses to Faro
- Buses to Castelo Branco
- Buses to Aveiro
- Buses to Portimão
- Buses to Vila Nova de Foz Côa
- Buses to Celorico da Beira
Top Stations and Locations
Need to know where to catch RODONORTE? We've got a list of our main stops to help plan your journey.
- Porto Airport
- Lisbon Sete Rios
- Oriente
- Terminal Rodoviário de Faro
- Terminal Rodoviário
- Portimao - Paragem av Guanare
- Albufeira
- Rodoviária de Fátima
- Terminal Rodoviário de Braga
- Coimbra Central Bus Station
- Central de Camionagem de Viseu
- Av. Francisco Sá Carneiro
- Central de Camionagem
- Peniche
- Parada de Ônibus de Quinta do Seixo
- Estação de Onibus Beja
Other local bus companies
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