Autobus Galland popular routes and schedules
Book cheap Autobus Galland bus tickets online, find schedules, prices, bus stations locations, services, promotions and deals.
Popular routes | First and last departures | Average duration | Minimum price | |
Montreal → Gatineau | First and last departures2:30pm — 2:30pm | Average duration1d | Minimum price$97 | |
Montreal → Gatineau | First and last departures2:30pm — 2:30pm | Average duration1d | Minimum price$97 | |
Mont-Tremblant → Montreal | First and last departures10:40am — 6:25pm | Average duration4h 1m | Minimum price$30 | |
Montreal → Mont-Tremblant | First and last departures7:30am — 2:30pm | Average duration3h 50m | Minimum price$30 | |
Montreal → Mont-Tremblant | First and last departures7:30am — 2:30pm | Average duration3h 50m | Minimum price$30 |
Contact Autobus Galland
Amenities on Autobus Galland buses
- Air conditioning
- Toilet
- Standard seat
- Wifi
Autobus Galland's Coverage in Numbers
- Daily Departures81
- Cities28
- Countries1
- Routes195
Autobus Galland Bus classes
- Essential
Busbud helps you easily search and browse through different Autobus Galland fares to find the cheapest Autobus Galland bus tickets.
We let you sort through Autobus Galland schedules and Autobus Galland bus ticket prices to find a deal suited to your individual needs.
Busbud shows you which amenities are included with your Autobus Galland bus for each individual departure.
We give you access to all available Autobus Galland bus routes to faciliate your Autobus Galland bus bookings.
Be sure to keep an eye out for a coupon code to benefit from Autobus Galland discounts and cheap bus tickets.
On Busbud, you'll be able to find useful information such as Autobus Galland contact details in case you need to get in touch with them.
Busbud is proud to partner with Autobus Galland and to offer Autobus Galland services to travelers all over the world.
Autobus Galland User Reviews
Autobus Galland receives praise for its smooth rides and careful drivers, with some passengers noting the comfort of clean and well-maintained buses. However, there are concerns about outdated bus interiors, inconsistent communication regarding stops or delays, non-functioning Wi-Fi, temperature discomforts onboard, and a lack of power outlets.
Easy to get to terminal and nice safe ride
Angela T.
Always with a qualified driver
Lisette R.
very good journey. friendly staff, and smooth
Christopher M.
Driver was very kind and helpful
ÖNgen A.
Le chauffeur et le bus étaient parfait! Le seul problème est que le wifi n’a pas fonctionné, pas grave mais embêtant quand on est voyageur étranger. Merci pour l’expérience :)
Marion J.
On time departure and arrival. Safe driver. No WiFi on bus as advertised.
Mary A.
Autobus Galland FAQ
Yes, there is WiFi available on Autobus Galland buses! You'll be able to stay connected with friends and family, check social media and your emails throughout your trip. However, we recommend downloading your favorite movies and shows before your bus trip.
No, there aren't any power outlets or USB plugs on Autobus Galland. We recommend bringing a battery pack to make sure you won't run out of battery, or bring a good book and stay entertained throughout your bus ride!
Yes, there is a toilet on Autobus Galland. The toilet is located at the back of the bus or near the middle. We recommend bringing hand sanitizer, as most buses don't have running water. It is best to hold on to the rails when using the toilet in a moving bus.
Autobus Galland doesn't offer any meals or snacks on board. We recommend you bring some snacks and drinks in a reusable water bottle for your bus trip.
No, you don't need to print your Autobus Galland ticket! You can board the bus by showing your ticket on your smartphone along with a valid photo ID. Your e-ticket will be sent to you by email right after booking on Busbud.
Only Certified Service animals are allowed on Autobus Galland buses. Unfortunately, your beloved pets are not allowed on the bus or in the hold of the bus.
Autobus Galland offers you a safe, reliable, and comfortable bus journey. You will be able to enjoy Air conditioning, Standard seat, Toilet, Wifi when traveling by bus with Autobus Galland.
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The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets
Busbud is a bus and train search tool - we include Autobus Galland routes, schedules and prices in our searches along with many other train and bus companies. You can compare prices, amenities and times by searching for a route. If you find a suitable trip, you can go ahead and get your Autobus Galland ticket from us. Note that train tickets sell out, Autobus Galland and other operators generally charge a lot more for last-minute tickets or for tickets bought in person.
Popular Routes, Destinations and Stations
Top Bus Lines
Curious about Autobus Galland's busiest routes? Here's where most of our passengers are heading!
- Montreal to Mont-Tremblant$30
- Mont-Tremblant to Montreal$30
- Montreal to Saint-Sauveur$17
- Saint-Sauveur to Montreal$17
- Montreal to Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts$25
- Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts to Montreal$25
- Montreal to Mont-Laurier$48
- Mont-Laurier to Montreal$48
- Rivière-Rouge to Montreal$38
- Montreal to Saint-Jérôme$13
- Montreal to Val-David$23
- Saint-Jérôme to Montreal$13
- Montreal to Sainte-Adèle$20
- Val-David to Montreal$23
- Sainte-Adèle to Montreal$20
- Montreal to Rivière-Rouge$38
- Laval to Mont-Tremblant$28
- Montreal to Val-d'Or$105
- Saint-Jérôme to Mont-Laurier$37
- Mont-Laurier to Saint-Jérôme$36
Top Destinations
From big cities to hidden gems, these are the places Autobus Galland can take you on your next adventure!
- Buses to Montreal
- Buses to Mont-Tremblant
- Buses to Saint-Jérôme
- Buses to Mont-Laurier
- Buses to Laval
- Buses to Saint-Sauveur
- Buses to Sainte-Agathe-des-Monts
- Buses to Rivière-Rouge
- Buses to Val-David
- Buses to Sainte-Adèle
- Buses to Village de Labelle
- Buses to Val-Morin
- Buses to Val-d'Or
- Buses to Rouyn-Noranda
- Buses to Lac-des-Écorces
- Buses to Mirabel
- Buses to Lac-Saguay
- Buses to Ottawa
- Buses to La Conception
- Buses to Amos
Top Stations and Locations
Need to know where to catch Autobus Galland? We've got a list of our main stops to help plan your trip.
- Sainte-Foy Bus Station
- Terminus Cartier
- Montreal Coach Terminal
- Gare d'autocars de Montréal
- Sainte-Foy - Gare d'autocars, 3001 Chemin des Quatre-Bourgeois
- Saint-Jovite - Shell
- North Bay Bus Station
- Laval - Métro Cartier
- Sullivan Bus Stop
- Terminus Val-d'Or
- Terminus Maheux Rouyn-Noranda
- Amos Motel Rêve d’Or
- Gare Saint-Jérôme
- Marché Gariepy
- Malartic Bus Stop
- La Sarre Terminus
- All Partners
- Autobus Galland