Contact KCTI
KCTI’s Coverage in Numbers
- Daily Departures83
- Cities16
- Countries1
- Routes63
Busbud helps you easily search and browse through different KCTI fares to find the cheapest KCTI bus tickets.
View different KCTI bus schedules and KCTI ticket prices to find a bus based on your traveling needs.
You'll be able to see which amenities are available for each individual departure when you purchase your KCTI bus tickets online. These amenities may include WiFi, onboard toilets, A/C and power outlets, among many others.
With our coverage of all available KCTI bus lines, we make sure you are able to get to where you need to be.
Be sure to keep an eye out for a coupon code to benefit from KCTI discounts and cheap bus tickets.
With information like KCTI phone number or the closest KCTI bus station, Busbud makes sure you get easy access to all the important information.
Busbud is proud to partner with KCTI and to offer KCTI services to travellers all over the world.
KCTI User Reviews
The bus ride received mixed reviews regarding the temperature inside, with some passengers feeling cold and wishing for more warmth. Some mentioned issues with charging stations and unstable internet connection. However, many appreciated the helpful drivers despite delays in departure times. Overall, it was considered a safe journey by most passengers.
First thing I encountered was the date i wanted to travel had been advanced to the following date. Fortunately I was able to go back to the date I wanted an book my seat without any problems. The driver was very courteous and infirmitive before I got on the bus for the next stop etc. The price was we extremely reasonable. I will use this bus line definitely again.
Cyndi H.
Driver was awesome and friendly. Wasn’t happy that there was No bathroom though and from my understanding from other reviews haven’t had one in a while even though it’s advertised. I’d be down to use again if they had a bathroom.
Murray M.
Bus never came at the stop as time was 3.05 at Edmonton .I was there at 2.35 pm waited until 4 pm calling on the number nothing happened.It’s so disappointing
Suman V.
I paid kcti and they said they would reimburse my ticket in full as it was cancelled. I sent two emails with no response.
Anita C.
This was super frustrating. Travelling with a preschooler and the bathroom is out of order. No usb plugs for electronics. Flat tire and 1 hour extended wait. This was not ok.
Linda S.
Bus got delayed but its alright
Sheeree Rose M.
Why choose Busbud?
The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets
Busbud is a bus and train search tool – we include KCTI routes, schedules and prices in our searches along with many other train and bus companies. You can compare prices, amenities and times by searching for a route. If you find a suitable trip, you can go ahead and get your KCTI ticket from us. Note that train tickets sell out, KCTI and other operators generally charge a lot more for last-minute tickets or for tickets bought in person.
Popular Routes, Destinations and Stations
Top Bus Lines
Curious about the busiest routes of KCTI? Here's where most of our passengers are heading!
- Edmonton to Saskatoon£62
- Saskatoon to Edmonton£62
- North Battleford to Edmonton£50
- Edmonton to Lloydminster£44
- Lloydminster to Edmonton£44
- Saskatoon to Lloydminster£44
- Vermilion to Saskatoon£47
- Lloydminster to Saskatoon£44
- Edmonton to Vermilion£28
- Vermilion to Edmonton£28
- North Battleford to Saskatoon£25
- Saskatoon to North Battleford£25
- North Battleford to Lloydminster£35
- Edmonton to North Battleford£50
- Vegreville to Edmonton£25
- Sherwood Park to Lloydminster£31
- Lloydminster to Vermilion£25
- Sherwood Park to Saskatoon£42
- Vegreville to Saskatoon£56
- Lloydminster to Sherwood Park£31
Top Destinations
From big cities to hidden gems, these are the places KCTI can take you on your next adventure!
- Buses to Edmonton
- Buses to Saskatoon
- Buses to Lloydminster
- Buses to North Battleford
- Buses to Vermilion
- Buses to Vegreville
- Buses to Calgary
- Buses to Sherwood Park
- Buses to Red Deer
- Buses to Fort McMurray
- Buses to Grande Prairie
- Buses to Boyle
- Buses to Grassland
- Buses to Whitecourt
- Buses to Valleyview
- Buses to Gibbons
Top Stations and Locations
Need to know where to catch KCTI? We've got a list of our main stops to help plan your journey.
- Calgary International Airport
- Edmonton International Airport
- Crossiron Mills
- North Red Arrow Office
- Northgate Rosslyn Hotel
- Downtown Edmonton, 10014 104 St NW
- Quality Inn Hotel
- Huskey Travel Center
- 5635 44 St
- Esso Station - 6550 Main Ave
- Boyle MG's Convenience Store Bus Stop
- Macs - 4619 50 Ave
- All Partners