La Veloz del Norte popular routes and schedules
Book cheap La Veloz del Norte coach tickets online, find timetables, prices, coach station locations, services, promotions and deals.
Popular routes | First and last departures | Average duration | Minimum price | |
Buenos Aires → Rosario | First and last departures09:45 — 13:05 | Average duration5h 37m | Minimum price£17 | |
Rosario → Buenos Aires | First and last departures03:30 — 03:30 | Average duration4h 55m | Minimum price£18 | |
San Nicolas → Buenos Aires | First and last departures11:35 — 11:35 | Average duration3h 30m | Minimum price£10 | |
Buenos Aires → San Nicolas | First and last departures20:00 — 20:00 | Average duration4h | Minimum price£15 | |
San Miguel de Tucumán → Salta | First and last departures02:00 — 19:10 | Average duration4h 32m | Minimum price£29 |

Contact La Veloz del Norte
Amenities on La Veloz del Norte buses
- Air conditioning
- Toilet
- Standard seat
- XL Seat
- Lie-flat Seat or Bed
- Wifi
- Entertainment (No Wifi)
- Snack
- Drink
- Hot Meal
La Veloz del Norte’s Coverage in Numbers
- Daily Departures197
- Cities88
- Countries2
- Routes790
La Veloz del Norte Bus classes
- 5 Estrellas
- Cama
- Cama Ejec Indiv LCD/Cena/Desayuno
- Cama Ejec. LCD/Cena/Desayuno
- Cama Ejecutivo
- Cama Ejecutivo con Cena Fria
- Cama con Servicio
- Cama sin Auxiliar
- Comun
- Convencional
- Ejecutivo sin auxiliar
- Ejuctivo sin Auxiliar
- Leito
- Promo Cama
- Promo Semi Cama con Servicio
- Promo Suite
- Semi Cama
- Semi Cama
- Semi Cama Cena/Desayuno
- Semi Cama Expreso
- Semi Cama Promo Cena/Desayuno
- Semi Cama Promocionada
- Semi Cama Superior
- Semi Cama con Cena Fria
- Semi Cama con Servicio
- Semica Directo
- Semicama
- Servicio Cama Ejecutivo
- Servicio Suite
- Suite
- Suite VIP
Wondering how much the cheapest La Veloz del Norte bus tickets are? Find out with Busbud's extensive list of La Veloz del Norte fares.
Conveniently search for La Veloz del Norte bus schedules and La Veloz del Norte prices to choose an option that best suits your needs.
Find out which amenities will be accessible on a La Veloz del Norte bus for each individual departure when you book your La Veloz del Norte tickets, such as WiFi, A/C, power outlets and more.
All La Veloz del Norte bus lines are available on Busbud. Can't seem to find the La Veloz del Norte route you're looking for? Please get in touch – we have a dedicated team in charge of the quality of La Veloz del Norte mapping on Busbud.
Take advantage of available La Veloz del Norte bus coupons in order to get discounted La Veloz del Norte fares.
Need to contact La Veloz del Norte customer service? Busbud provides you with La Veloz del Norte phone number so you can easily reach out to them.
With our partnership with La Veloz del Norte, Busbud is able to offer reliable La Veloz del Norte bus services to help you travel comfortably and securely.
La Veloz del Norte User Reviews
La Veloz del Norte receives positive feedback for its comfortable seats and friendly drivers, contributing to a pleasant travel experience. Some users enjoyed their journey to Tucumán. However, there were minor concerns about the choice of movies shown during the trip and a slight delay due to an unexpected detour near Tucumán.
Great bus ride! Actually, perfect bus ride. I arrived at the terminal about 10 minutes before scheduled departure and asked which platform the bus would be, and the staff told me between 20 and 28, even though the bus was already sitting at platform 24. It would have been nice if he had just said the exact platform - I'm sure he knew :) Other than that, Veloz del Norte was a great service!
Anna M.
Bus was dirty and no refreshments given - there was an incident in the bus and the staff were helpful
Olivia D.
+ Sitze waren ok, ein bisschen wenig Platz für die Beine - der Bus wurde extrem gekühlt, gefühlt 15 °C - der Gang füllte sich fortlaufend mit einer Flüssigkeit, wohl irgendetwas aus dem WC ausgelaufen, hat auch so gerochen
Niklaus H.
All went ok. The bus driver was very kind.
Gabrijel E.
The time was perfect and driver so responsable , Sears confortables but the air conditioner was no working to hot inside very uncomfortable!!👎
Norma C.
Everything was fine. Great safe driver.
Mark R.
La Veloz del Norte FAQ
Yes, there is WiFi available on La Veloz del Norte buses! You'll be able to stay connected with friends and family, check social media and your emails throughout your trip. However, we recommend downloading your favourite films and programmes before your bus trip.
No, there aren't any power outlets or USB plugs on La Veloz del Norte. We recommend bringing a battery pack to make sure you won't run out of battery, or bring a good book and stay entertained throughout your bus ride!
Yes, there is a toilet on La Veloz del Norte. The toilet is located at the back of the bus or near the middle. We recommend bringing hand sanitiser because most buses don't have running water. It is best to hold on to the rails when using the toilet in a moving bus.
Yes, La Veloz del Norte offers food and drinks on board. When you book your bus ticket on Busbud, you will be able to see if you will get a full meal or snacks and drinks for your desired departure.
No, you don't need to print your La Veloz del Norte ticket! You can board the bus by showing your ticket on your smartphone along with a valid photo ID. Your e-ticket will be sent to you by email right after booking on Busbud.
Only Certified Service animals are allowed on La Veloz del Norte buses. Unfortunately, your beloved pets are not allowed on the bus or in the hold of the bus.
La Veloz del Norte offers you a safe, reliable and comfortable bus journey. You will be able to enjoy Air conditioning, Standard seat, , , Lie-flat Seat or Bed, Hot Meal, , , Toilet, , Wifi, XL Seat when travelling by bus with La Veloz del Norte.
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The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets
Busbud is a bus and train search tool – we include La Veloz del Norte routes, schedules and prices in our searches along with many other train and bus companies. You can compare prices, amenities and times by searching for a route. If you find a suitable trip, you can go ahead and get your La Veloz del Norte ticket from us. Note that train tickets sell out, La Veloz del Norte and other operators generally charge a lot more for last-minute tickets or for tickets bought in person.
Popular Routes, Destinations and Stations
Top Bus Lines
Curious about the busiest routes of La Veloz del Norte? Here's where most of our passengers are heading!
- Lima to Buenos Aires£303
- La Quiaca to Buenos Aires£111
- San Miguel de Tucumán to Córdoba£49
- San Miguel de Tucumán to Salta£30
- Buenos Aires to Jujuy£86
- Jujuy to Buenos Aires£86
- Jujuy to Salta£12
- Salta to Jujuy£12
- Salta to San Miguel de Tucumán£31
- Córdoba to San Miguel de Tucumán£49
- Salta to Salvador Mazza£39
- Buenos Aires to Lima£271
- Salvador Mazza to Salta£38
- Corrientes to Salta£79
- Salta to Corrientes£79
- Resistencia to Salta£77
- Córdoba to Santiago del Estero£36
- Córdoba to Jujuy£84
- Santiago del Estero to Buenos Aires£70
- Salta to Resistencia£77
Top Destinations
From big cities to hidden gems, these are the places La Veloz del Norte can take you on your next adventure!
- Buses to Salta
- Buses to Buenos Aires
- Buses to San Miguel de Tucumán
- Buses to Jujuy
- Buses to Córdoba
- Buses to Santiago del Estero
- Buses to Rosario
- Buses to Gral Guemes
- Buses to San Ramón de la Nueva Orán
- Buses to La Quiaca
- Buses to Lima
- Buses to Rafaela
- Buses to Metan
- Buses to Salvador Mazza
- Buses to Tartagal
- Buses to San Pedro de Jujuy
- Buses to Corrientes
- Buses to Joaquín V. González
- Buses to Resistencia
- Buses to Ciudad Perico
Top Stations and Locations
Need to know where to catch La Veloz del Norte? We've got a list of our main stops to help plan your journey.
- Terminal Escobar
- Terminal de Escobar
- Av. San Martin
- Terminal de Omnibus Retiro
- Plaza Norte
- Terminal De Omnibus de Gral. Deheza
- Terminal De Omnibus de Salta
- Tucuman Terminal
- Terminal de Ómnibus de Corrientes
- El Talar Terminal Regreso
- Terminal de Ómnibus de Resistencia
- Parador San Nicolas
- Terminal de Ómnibus de La Quiaca
- Terminal de Ómnibus de Santiago del Estero
- Terminal Tilcara
- Terminal de Ómnibus de Campana
Other local bus companies
- All Partners
- La Veloz del Norte