FFGERTSE popular routes and schedules
Book cheap FFGERTSE bus tickets online, find schedules, prices, bus stations locations, services, promotions and deals.
Popular routes | First and last departures | Average duration | Minimum price | |
Johannesburg → Cape Town | First and last departures1:00pm — 6:00pm | Average duration17h | Minimum price$26 | |
Cape Town → Johannesburg | First and last departures1:00pm — 6:40pm | Average duration16h 40m | Minimum price$24 | |
Queenstown → Cape Town | First and last departures5:30pm — 7:00pm | Average duration12h 12m | Minimum price$32 | |
Cape Town → Queenstown | First and last departures7:00pm — 7:00pm | Average duration11h 25m | Minimum price$32 | |
Pretoria → Cape Town | First and last departures5:00pm — 5:00pm | Average duration17h | Minimum price$24 |
FFGERTSE's Coverage in Numbers
- Daily Departures47
- Cities22
- Countries1
- Routes123
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On Busbud, you'll be able to find useful information such as FFGERTSE contact details in case you need to get in touch with them.
With our partnership with FFGERTSE, Busbud is able to offer reliable FFGERTSE bus services to help you travel comfortably and securely.
FFGERTSE User Reviews
FFGERTSE has received positive feedback for maintaining tidy buses and providing a pleasant travel experience, with drivers noted for their humane approach. However, some users have mentioned issues such as delays in reaching destinations and the need to adhere more closely to schedules. Additionally, there are suggestions that charging slots could be improved.
Very extremely disappointed with the bus service. It is very cheap but so is their service. Departure delayed for almost 6 hours and the bus came with an empty tank of fuel and they fill up in eome dodgy station way of the route, without informing passengers.
Lindelani H.
Bus departure was late due to the bus being to small for the amount of people on the bus, dreading the return trip as the reviews for the other bus company is far worse - hindsight
Toyer K.
The bus was more than 3hrs late.
Nomha M.
They left me in the garage in blomfontein while I was buying drinks egarage and I didn't even getmy luggage back Ive lost my everything my I'd.mi laptops my lisence that's poor service I have received from your drivers
Sinethemba S.
The service is very poor, I don’t recommend this bus. Even if it’s your last option don’t ever. I booked a bus for 20th Dec @ 1pm from JHB to CPT. Around 11 am received sms that the bus will delay for 3 pm. When I get to park station in JHB the bus still delay. They explain to us that the bus have an issue they allocated us to local bus, when we are halfway to CPT we will change the bus. The bus left JHB at 6 pm. And when we at Bramfontein the bus was stoped by Traffic police and we delay for 30. We left JHB when we reach Tollgate I think close to Bloemfontein the driver hit the right mirror of the bus, we had to step outside the bus he said he can’t drive the bus in that condition that’s understandable but he tried to call the boss, boss driver did not answer we stay in that place till 9pm. The customers tried to fix the mirror by putting wire so that at least we leave. We left that place and in the morning around 6am we arrived at Richmond garage they say the other bus is coming to exchange, they told us the bus is coming from CPT by Beaufort West. We waited till 9 am the bus is not coming. Until we saw a Tax driver who was coming to CPT we paid another money to the tax we were 12 of us because want to go to CPT. Imagine we paid again R250 but we did book the bus.
Noluvuyo R.
I did not travel as the bus did not come on time came after an hour and the reason I had booked with them was because of time
Eishley K.
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The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets
Busbud is a bus and train search tool - we include FFGERTSE routes, schedules and prices in our searches along with many other train and bus companies. You can compare prices, amenities and times by searching for a route. If you find a suitable trip, you can go ahead and get your FFGERTSE ticket from us. Note that train tickets sell out, FFGERTSE and other operators generally charge a lot more for last-minute tickets or for tickets bought in person.
Popular Routes, Destinations and Stations
Top Bus Lines
Curious about FFGERTSE's busiest routes? Here's where most of our passengers are heading!
- Johannesburg to Cape Town$47
- Cape Town to Johannesburg$50
- Bellville to Johannesburg$44
- Worcester to Johannesburg$51
- Paarl to Johannesburg$51
- Johannesburg to Paarl$46
- Johannesburg to Worcester$47
- Johannesburg to Bellville$32
- Worcester to Cape Town$27
- Cape Town to Worcester$31
- Bellville to Cape Town$33
- Cape Town to Bellville$38
- Cape Town to Paarl$29
- Paarl to Cape Town$25
- Bellville to Worcester$41
- Bellville to Paarl$37
- Worcester to Bellville$41
- Paarl to Worcester$37
- Paarl to Bellville$38
- Worcester to Paarl$35
Top Destinations
From big cities to hidden gems, these are the places FFGERTSE can take you on your next adventure!
- Buses to Johannesburg
- Buses to Cape Town
- Buses to Bellville
- Buses to Worcester
- Buses to Paarl
- Buses to Queenstown
- Buses to East London
- Buses to King William’s Town
- Buses to Upington
- Buses to Kimberley
- Buses to Graaff Reinet
- Buses to Beaufort West
- Buses to Cradock
- Buses to Stutterheim
- Buses to Aberdeen
- Buses to Potchefstroom
- Buses to Laingsburg
- Buses to Klerksdorp
- Buses to Jamestown
- Buses to Cathcart
Top Stations and Locations
Need to know where to catch FFGERTSE? We've got a list of our main stops to help plan your trip.
- Karoo National Park
- Windmill Mall
- King Williams Town Railway Station
- Cradock - Total Garage, Voortrekker Street (Struwig Motors)
Other local bus companies
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