Find cheap bus tickets from Huichapan to Santiago de Querétaro

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One passenger / one way

Huichapan - R45 y Venustiano Carranza
Santiago de Querétaro - Terminal
Huichapan - R45 y Venustiano Carranza
2nd Cheapest
Santiago de Querétaro - Terminal
2nd Cheapest
Huichapan - Huichapan, HGO
Santiago de Querétaro - Terminal
Huichapan - Huichapan, HGO
Santiago de Querétaro - Terminal
Huichapan - Huichapan, HGO
Santiago de Querétaro - Terminal
Bus Huichapan to Santiago de Querétaro: Trip Overview

Bus Huichapan to Santiago de Querétaro: Trip Overview

Average ticket price$12
Average bus trip duration1h 48m
Number of daily buses33
Earliest bus departure5:30 AM
Distance44 miles (70 km)
Latest bus departure9:40 PM

Huichapan to Santiago de Querétaro Buses

Information on this bus route

Daily Departures33
Earliest and Latest Bus Departures5:30AM - 9:40PM
Minimum Price$5
Average Ticket Price$12
Minimum Trip Duration1h12m
Average Bus Trip Duration1h48m
Distance44 miles (70 km)
Bus Companies on This RouteConexion
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions for your trip Huichapan - Santiago de Querétaro

Taking the bus is the best way to travel to Santiago de Querétaro without a car. Traveling by bus offers a budget-friendly, secure, and easy way to go between the two cities. Alternatively, you can also use carpooling services.

Traveling from Huichapan to Santiago de Querétaro takes around 1h 48m on average, although the fastest bus will take 1h 12m, on average. This is the time it takes to travel the 50 miles (81 km) that separate the two cities.

Huichapan and Santiago de Querétaro are 50 miles (81 km) apart.

About 33 buses travel this route daily, provided by Conexion. The number of buses operating from Huichapan to Santiago de Querétaro may change based on the day of the week. Busbud can make your trip from Huichapan to Santiago de Querétaro a breeze! Simply check the schedules and pick the bus that matches your needs and budget. It's that easy!

The bus service operates from 5:30 AM for the initial departure and runs until 9:40 PM for the final departure.

The majority of buses traveling from Huichapan to Santiago de Querétaro start their journey at Huichapan, HGO and wind up at Terminal. These are the most popular pick-up and drop-off locations on this route, but you can find others that could fit better into your travel plans.

The cheapest way to travel this route is by bus. The lowest tickets for this trip cost as little as $10.

The bus ticket costs $12 on average. Over the last 30 days, the prices ranged between $10 and $13, so make sure to compare them to get the best option.

Yes, a day trip from Huichapan to Santiago de Querétaro is definitely doable. The total time it takes to make a round-trip between Huichapan and Santiago de Querétaro is about 2h 24m. This allows for plenty of time to explore the sights in Santiago de Querétaro before returning to Huichapan in the evening.

About Bus Travel

Bus Travel Tips

Make friends with the driver. They usually know a lot about your destination and may even recommend which side of the bus to sit on to get the best views on the road between Huichapan and Santiago de Querétaro!

Start sightseeing the minute your bus leaves the station. If you're on the night bus from Huichapan to Santiago de Querétaro, get comfy and count the stars.

Taking the bus creates the smallest carbon footprint compared to other modes of transport. Not to mention that buses will allow you to discover scenic gems from Huichapan to Santiago de Querétaro that are otherwise impossible to come by with a plane.

Make a music playlist for your bus ride from Huichapan to Santiago de Querétaro, and enjoy the scenery to tunes from your own personal soundtrack.

Did you know?

It takes 27 hours to go by bus from Lima to Cusco, one of the craziest bus trips on the world. This route is used daily by locals and backpackers.

The bus driver with the longest career in the world drove more than 2,000,000 miles and is a happy World Record holder.

The Superbus, created by a Dutch engineer is the world's fastest bus with 250 km/h. Too bad it's only a prototype for now.

Will you be returning to Huichapan by bus?

Bus from Santiago de Querétaro to Huichapan

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The Best Way To Book Bus and Train Tickets makes it easy for you to find, compare and book city-to-city bus tickets, all over the world. We save you the extra trip to the bus station. With several language and currency options available, Busbud seeks to cater to international bus travelers no matter where they are in the world. With Busbud, you can buy tickets with confidence. We ensure that you make the most out of your bus trip by partnering up with reliable bus companies from all around the world such as Greyhound, Eurolines, ALSA, OUIBUS (BlaBlaBus), National Express and many others.