People from around the world trust Busbud
We’ve partnered with the world’s most popular bus companies
Top travelled bus routes
Popular countries across the world
With Busbud, you can travel by bus and train in more than 80 countries in the world! Enjoy your trip with a seamless and hassle-free experience, while respecting the environment by using sustainable modes of transportation.
Why join Busbud?
Faster booking and checkout
- Manage and cancel your trips with ease
- Save your payment method and billing information
- Save up to 5 passengers to your account!
Why choose Busbud?
Search, compare, and buy your bus and train tickets all in one place.
Simplify your travel planning with Busbud, your one-stop platform to search, compare, and purchase bus and train tickets worldwide. Proudly Canadian, Busbud connects you with a vast network of trusted partners, making it easy to find the best routes and deals no matter where you are.
Book your trip online in your preferred language and currency, and access schedules and tickets from reliable providers such as Orléans Express, Rider Express, Maheux, Greyhound, Via Rail, Amtrak, and many more. Discover the perfect journey with Busbud, whether it’s with global giants like Megabus and Flixbus or regional favorites like Peter Pan.
Travel smarter with Busbud—your journey starts here.
Compare bus, train and carpool for your travel
Compare bus, train, and carpool options to find the perfect trip. Check prices, travel times, and environmental impact and find the perfect choice for your next trip. Popular destinations on Busbud:
What are the most popular bus routes?
- Bus from Calgary to Edmonton
- Bus from Toronto to Montreal
- Bus from Ottawa to Toronto
- Bus from Montreal to Ottawa
- Bus from Vancouver to Whistler
- Bus from Toronto to London
- Bus from Vancouver to Calgary
- Bus from Vancouver to Kelowna
- Bus from Kelowna to Vancouver
- Bus from Montreal to Quebec City
- Bus from Regina to Saskatoon
- Bus from Edmonton to Banff
- Bus from Saskatoon to Regina
- Bus from Edmonton to Fort McMurray
- Bus from Vancouver to Kamloops
Most popular airports and destinations
Where would you like to take the bus next?
Top train routes
- Train from Vancouver to Washington
- Train from Toronto to North York
- Train from Montreal to New York
- Train from Ottawa to Montreal
- Train from Toronto to Ottawa
- Train from Toronto to Halifax
- Train from Vancouver to Edmonton
- Train from Ottawa to Toronto
- Train from Vancouver to Olympia
- Train from Toronto to Niagara Falls
- Train from Windsor to Toronto
- Train from Vancouver to London
- Train from Toronto to Rome
- Train from London to Windsor
- Train from Toronto to Kingston
Top train destinations
Which are the most popular companies?
- FlixBus
- VIA Rail Canada
- Rider Express
- Ontario Northland
- Ebus
- Maritime Bus
- Orléans Express
- Greyhound
- Maheux
- MapleBus
- Red Arrow
- Cold Shot
- Megabus
- OurBus
- Intercar
- New York Trailways
- Limocar
- Amtrak
- Book A Ride
- Galland
- Autobus Galland
- Banff Airport Bus
- Metrolinx
- The Canada Bus
- InterCity
- Kasper Transportation
- YVR Whistler/SkyLynx
- Mountain Park Transportation
- ABest Transport